Deadly Shadows
About The Author
Published Titles
What Motivates Me
A Tortured Soul
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Page 4
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The Dooms Day Drill
Chicken Skin Murder
The Beast Next Door
Media Album

the struggle to survive.   You wonder if it is worth the effort.   It is for those who are strong enough to endure the abuse of a loved one, the stigma of having HIV and the demands the two place on them.    However, my resources, depleted, by the demands of a rough life.   The inner strength that once enabled me to conquer obstacles, go around roadblocks and reach unimaginable heights, drained. Weakened by years of abuse and neglect, I resign.   The will to live has faded like the flame of a flickering candle, and in the darkness of despair, I make the choice to fade from existence.  Do not waste precious time mourning the death of a woman battered into submission, but understand  the reason I’ve reach this moment and make an effort to save those who walk a similar path. In addition, let the last words that embrace the pages of this book, season your hearts.        Love did not rob me of my self-esteem. My poor choice of a mate did. Love is not responsible for the black and blue discoloration of my skin, or the numerous fractures that have left me with a leg and an arm, that is much shorter than the other. My failure to recognize an abusive man is.  Love’s words never humiliated me, or caused me to fear for my life.   Neither did they create an atmosphere of terror, moments of extreme mental and emotional anguish, and a distressful feeling of total worthlessness. My sorry excuse of a husband did. Love has never victimized me or treated me like a discarded piece of trash it picked up off the street. My careless and reckless way of choosing someone to spend the rest of my life with, has. Therefore, I leave you with this thought to ponder.  If someone has thrown it away because it is broken.  Leave it in the dam thrash you cannot fix him.    So many have fooled themselves into believing that they can, only to find that they are the ones now broken and beyond repair. Do your homework and one day you will graduate to celebrate a golden anniversary with the same guardian of your heart.     Until we meet on the dirt road of death, remember, above all things, love yourself. Cause if you don’t, nobody else will.”   Francis Eugene Bobbie Jackson      The pen fell from between her slender fingers, Francis leaned forward, placed her head on a fluffy velvet pillow and at 9:45 p.m. the thirty-one year old, former beauty queen, mother of two, faithful housewife to a husband that was an abuser, succumbed to a fatal overdose of prescription pain killers. She died with a picture of her two children, April and Justin, clutched to her chest.           The End