Deadly Shadows
About The Author
Published Titles
What Motivates Me
A Tortured Soul
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The Dooms Day Drill
Chicken Skin Murder
The Beast Next Door
Media Album

Nightmares Not Only Haunt You At Night,
They Scare You To Death During The Day.

The Subjects That Fascinate Me Are Also The Ones That Bring Me To Tears, often
robbing me of a peaceful nights' sleep.

      Depending upon where you live life can be as strange, unusual and as frightening as the nightmares that interrupt your sleep during the night, forcing you to wake in a panicked state. Confused and disoriented, you struggle for a few minutes to regain your sense of awareness, as you realize the terror you just faced was not real. However, while you were fleeing whatever creature that was chasing you, it seemed as authentic as any situation you have ever experienced. The things we experience in life can often be compared to the night terrors that rob us of a peaceful night’s sleep. As we encounter the nerve shattering events that the out of control criminal elements thrust upon us, against our will. Whether it’s rape, murder, robbery, abuse or malicious destruction of property, the effects are the same, we’re physically, emotionally and mentally damaged. Individuals who find themselves incapacitated, innocence stolen and their ability to trust taken away, forced to exist as frightened children, jumping at every strange sound, shadow or the mere presumption of a threat. No longer capable of enjoying the pleasures of life to their fullest. We then began to isolate ourselves, hiding behind locked doors, suspicious of everyone, especially a stranger. Prisoners trapped in self-imposed confinement to avoid being touched by the all-consuming forces of malfeasance and their crippling effects. Some barely survive this unexpected and unwarranted evil intrusion into their lives, while others are completely destroyed and then there are those who decide that no hostile force is going to prevent them from pursuing the goals they have set for themselves, regardless of how difficult the task may be. They emerge from that pocket of despair and press forward to accomplish and achieve what seems like the impossible. Then there are those individuals who through a creative approach utilize the negative experiences, to recreate and reshape their lives, benefiting from the unpleasant encounters, by sharing their struggles through the written word. In addition, this is where my effort to forge a career as a writer begins.   

The Subjects That Fascinate Me Are Also The Ones That Bring Me To Tears.